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E Androidruntime Fatal Exception Defaultdispatcher Worker 1

E Androidruntime Fatal Exception Defaultdispatcher Worker 1. Hello everyone: When I try to run my app I get an fatal exception main , please can anyone give me some extra help. Realm objects can only be accessed on the thread they were created.

android studio使用fragment标签出错:E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL ...
android studio使用fragment标签出错:E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL ... (Iva Kelley)
IllegalStateException: Realm access from incorrect thread. Rate this: Please Sign up or sign in to vote. May be somebody meet that exception and know the reasons?

Realm objects can only be accessed on the thread they were created.

I really want to learn how to write apps.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ByteBuffer ...

Android 8.0 通知后系统界面崩溃,无限闪屏. - 简书

xKenga’s gists · GitHub

Fatal exception main process com example

Android 使用V4包的Fragment遇到的问题 - 简书

Modify Google SetupWizard at Android Go - Stack Overflow


Android游戏开发中使用Libgdx引擎遇到的问题及解决办法汇总 - 斯克迪亚 - 博客园

Crash android.os.TransactionTooLargeException from ...

Vi uma possível solução no forum para utilizar optInt(variavel) mas não obtive sucesso. If yes then please check if you have set VisibleRangeLimit property for all of your XAxes because by default it's null and it could cause this. May be somebody meet that exception and know the reasons?


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